Share: Anxiety Relief, Mind-body connection, Stress Management, Video What Are the Benefits of Progressive Muscle Relaxation? March 19, 2025 Generation Calm After a tense and emotionally-charged situation, have you ever noticed how you’re holding tension in your muscles? Maybe your shoulders are...
Share: Anxiety Relief, Positive Psychology, Stress Management How To Be Enough – Overcoming Perfectionism January 11, 2025 Generation Calm Do you consider yourself a high achiever? Yet, deep down, you still feel like you’re not doing enough. This summer, while coaching, I met...
Share: Journaling, Mind-body connection, Stress Management Why Your Doctor Wants You To Take Care of Your Stress: Five Simple Stress Remedies November 13, 2023 Generation Calm When the word “stress” escapes a doctor’s lips, it may trigger a reflexive eye roll from a patient. “What! How on earth is stress management...
Share: Anxiety Relief, Meditation, Stress Management How Do I Know I’m Having A Panic Attack? June 20, 2023 Generation Calm Eileen never missed our anxiety management group at the local community center. Outside, the unusually hot spring day had people taking off their...
Share: Anxiety Relief, Mind-body connection, Stress Management HELP! I CAN’T REMEMBER ANYTHING! How to deal with stress on exam day May 9, 2022 Generation Calm In the UK, students are hurtling into exam season. It’s perfectly normal, at this time, to feel worried or stressed about upcoming exams. But how...
Share: Anxiety Relief, Meditation, Mind-body connection, Stress Management Take charge of your anxious body: Somatic relaxation for anxiety May 2, 2022 Generation Calm When you think about anxiety, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? The overthinking or the butterflies in your stomach? The lack of...
Share: Anxiety Relief, Mind-body connection, Stress Management When Walking Causes Anxiety: Could Walking Be The Cure For Social Anxiety April 12, 2022 Generation Calm Walking is good for your mental health. But what if you have social anxiety disorder? It is often assumed that social anxiety only affects people...
Share: Anxiety Relief, gut health, Mind-body connection, Stress Management Why Tech Companies Are Spending Millions On Vagus Nerve Stimulation March 28, 2022 Generation Calm Vagus nerve stimulation and exercises are all the rage. Just like when yoga went from hippy to mainstream in the early 2000’s, now it’s the vagus...
Share: Meditation, Mind-body connection, Stress Management, Video A Nap Meditation Will Make You Less Stressed In The Afternoon (in under 30 minutes) March 7, 2022 Generation Calm So you’re torn. You like the idea of a nap but you’re busy in the afternoons. On the one hand, you like the idea of catching up on...
Share: Anxiety Relief, Mind-body connection, Stress Management A Step-by-Step Process To Overcome Public Speaking Anxiety January 16, 2022 Generation Calm You may successfully scrape by life without having to do any formal speaking. However, it will catch up with you eventually, because much of...