Share: Anxiety Relief, Mind-body connection, Stress Management, Video What Are the Benefits of Progressive Muscle Relaxation? March 19, 2025 Generation Calm After a tense and emotionally-charged situation, have you ever noticed how you’re holding tension in your muscles? Maybe your shoulders are...
Share: Meditation, Mind-body connection, Stress Management, Video A Nap Meditation Will Make You Less Stressed In The Afternoon (in under 30 minutes) March 7, 2022 Generation Calm So you’re torn. You like the idea of a nap but you’re busy in the afternoons. On the one hand, you like the idea of catching up on...
Share: Anxiety Relief, Meditation, Mind-body connection, Stress Management, Video How to Center Yourself With a 3 Minute Meditation (even when you don’t have time to go to the bathroom) February 9, 2021 Generation Calm When I’m stressed, you’ll know it before I do. My behavior gives me away. I get short-tempered, irritable, my eyes glaze over, I...
Share: Anxiety Relief, Mind-body connection, Stress Management, Video 14 Things You Can Do To Reduce Anxiety While Wearing a Face Mask July 31, 2020 Generation Calm Imagine an old horror movie. You see a hand come from behind and suddenly cover the victim’s nose and mouth. There’s a feeling of shock, a...
Share: Anxiety Relief, Mind-body connection, Stress Management, Video Calm your Anxiety : Stomach Pain Relief with a Meditation? May 11, 2020 Generation Calm If you ever get niggles, knots or cramps in your stomach, you may assume it is a physical issue. But have you considered that it might be anxiety...
Share: Anxiety Relief, Video Using Driving Affirmations for Driving Anxiety February 1, 2020 Generation Calm Affirmations are positive statements about yourself. They are well researched in Health Psychology (think smoking cessation) and Sports...
Share: Anxiety Relief, Meditation, Stress Management, Video Guided imagery for Downton Abbey fans September 8, 2019 Generation Calm Are you a Downton Abbey fan? Me too! I have to avoid my U.K. friends for at least a week, in case they give away spoilers about the new Downton...
Share: Anxiety Relief, Positive Psychology, Stress Management, Video Phone anxiety almost cost me my career February 17, 2019 Generation Calm I almost let my phone anxiety cost me my career. Sounds dramatic but it’s true. And it’s something I’ve been too embarrassed to share before...
Share: Anxiety Relief, Meditation, Video How a grounding meditation can teach you how to live in the moment and stop worrying November 1, 2018 Generation Calm So you’re wondering how to stop worrying and live in the moment. Mindfulness is everywhere. In the magazines you read, the inspirational posts...
Share: Stress Management, Video How to reduce stress and tension with yoga | Yoga and stress research October 24, 2018 Generation Calm Stress is worse than ever, with survey after survey showing that work-related stress is a growing problem. Now you don’t want to get rid of all...