Share: Anxiety Relief, Meditation, Stress Management Focus Your Attention for a Great Day in 10 Minutes With a Morning Meditation October 13, 2020 Generation Calm A relaxing start to your morning can set you up for a good day. But how many of us feel rushed in the morning? Getting the kids ready …...
Share: Anxiety Relief, Meditation, Stress Management Are You Stressed About Not Sleeping? September 6, 2020 Generation Calm Do you complain about your lack of sleep? I’m not being rude. This is an important question because complaining about being a poor sleeper can...
Share: Anxiety Relief, Mind-body connection, Stress Management, Video 14 Things You Can Do To Reduce Anxiety While Wearing a Face Mask July 31, 2020 Generation Calm Imagine an old horror movie. You see a hand come from behind and suddenly cover the victim’s nose and mouth. There’s a feeling of shock, a...
Share: Anxiety Relief, Meditation, Mind-body connection Your Tension Headache Pain is not All in Your Head June 9, 2020 Generation Calm Imagine, for one moment, you’ve just woken up and you can feel the first niggling pains of a tension headache. And now imagine having the power...
Share: Anxiety Relief, Mind-body connection, Stress Management, Video Calm your Anxiety : Stomach Pain Relief with a Meditation? May 11, 2020 Generation Calm If you ever get niggles, knots or cramps in your stomach, you may assume it is a physical issue. But have you considered that it might be anxiety...
Share: Anxiety Relief, Positive Psychology, Stress Management Support Psychological Resilience with Community April 26, 2020 Generation Calm As healthcare systems, doctors, nurses and other key workers are tested to breaking point during the Coronavirus outbreak in 2020, you too are...
Share: Anxiety Relief, Video Using Driving Affirmations for Driving Anxiety February 1, 2020 Generation Calm Affirmations are positive statements about yourself. They are well researched in Health Psychology (think smoking cessation) and Sports...
Share: Meditation, Stress Management Setting daily intentions – An easy way to reduce stress January 6, 2020 Generation Calm Looking for an easy daily practice that will have a meaningful impact on your mental wellness? Setting a morning intention for the day is...
Share: Anxiety Relief Why do you have Driving Anxiety? October 26, 2019 Generation Calm Do you map out your journey to a tee? Do you worry what other drivers think of you? Are you scared of driving in the rain …. night-driving? The...
Share: Anxiety Relief, Journaling, Stress Management How to calm a nervous stomach September 30, 2019 Generation Calm Imagine you’re about to walk into an interview for your dream job …when you get the unmistakable feeling … you need to poop! Everyone shows...